35,792 research outputs found

    Nearly Cloaking the Full Maxwell Equations

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    The approximate cloaking is investigated for time-harmonic Maxwell's equations via the approach of transformation optics. The problem is reduced to certain boundary effect estimates due to an inhomogeneous electromagnetic inclusion with an asymptotically small support but an arbitrary content enclosed by a thin high-conducting layer. Sharp estimates are established in terms of the asymptotic parameter, which are independent of the material tensors of the small electromagnetic inclusion. The result implies that the `blow-up-a-small-region' construction via the transformation optics approach yields a near-cloak for the electromagnetic waves. A novelty lies in the fact that the geometry of the cloaking construction of this work can be very general. Moreover, by incorporating the conducting layer developed in the present paper right between the cloaked region and the cloaking region, arbitrary electromagnetic contents can be nearly cloaked. Our mathematical technique extends the general one developed in [30] for nearly cloaking scalar optics. In order to investigate the approximate electromagnetic cloaking for general geometries with arbitrary cloaked contents, new techniques and analysis tools must be developed for this more challenging vector optics case

    Berry phases of quantum trajectories in semiconductors under strong terahertz fields

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    Quantum evolution of particles under strong fields can be essentially captured by a small number of quantum trajectories that satisfy the stationary phase condition in the Dirac-Feynmann path integrals. The quantum trajectories are the key concept to understand extreme nonlinear optical phenomena, such as high-order harmonic generation (HHG), above-threshold ionization (ATI), and high-order terahertz sideband generation (HSG). While HHG and ATI have been mostly studied in atoms and molecules, the HSG in semiconductors can have interesting effects due to possible nontrivial "vacuum" states of band materials. We find that in a semiconductor with non-vanishing Berry curvature in its energy bands, the cyclic quantum trajectories of an electron-hole pair under a strong terahertz field can accumulate Berry phases. Taking monolayer MoS2_2 as a model system, we show that the Berry phases appear as the Faraday rotation angles of the pulse emission from the material under short-pulse excitation. This finding reveals an interesting transport effect in the extreme nonlinear optics regime.Comment: 5 page

    On Picard Type Theorems and Entire Solutions of Differential Equations

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    We give a connection between the Picard type theorem of Polya-Saxer-Milliox and characterization of entire solutions of a differential equation and then their higher dimensional extensions, which leads further results on both (ordinary and partial) differential equations and Picard type theorems.Comment: 7 page

    Dynamical decoupling for a qubit in telegraph-like noises

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    Based on the stochastic theory developed by Kubo and Anderson, we present an exact result of the decoherence function of a qubit in telegraph-like noises under dynamical decoupling control. We prove that for telegraph-like noises, the decoherence can be suppressed at most to the third order of the time and the periodic Carr-Purcell-Merboom-Gill sequences are the most efficient scheme in protecting the qubit coherence in the short-time limit.Comment: 4 page

    Solutions of Kapustin-Witten equations for ADE-type groups

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    Kapustin-Witten (KW) equations are encountered in the localization of the topological N=4 SYM theory. Mikhaylov has constructed model solutions of KW equations for the boundary 't~Hooft operators on a half space. Direct proof of the solutions boils down to check a boundary condition. There are two computational difficulties in explicitly constructing the solutions to Lie algebra of higher rank. The first one is related to the commutation of generators of Lie algebra. We derived an identity which effectively reduces this computational difficulty. The second one involves the number of ways from the highest weights to other weights in the fundamental representation. For ADE-type gauge groups, we found an amazing formula which can be used to rewrite the solutions of KW equations. This new formula of solutions bypass above two computational difficulties.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure. typos corrected, english improved, references added, corrected mistakes and rewrote Sec. I

    A note on "Extremal graphs with bounded vertex bipartiteness number"

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    This paper is devoted to present two counterexamples to the theorem from \cite{MK} Maria R., Katherine T. M., Bernardo S. M., Extremal graphs with bounded vertex bipartiteness number, Linear Algebra Appl. 493 (2016) 28-36. Moreover, the corrected theorem and proof are presented

    Nonlinear optical response induced by non-Abelian Berry curvature in time-reversal-invariant insulators

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    We propose a general framework of nonlinear optics induced by non-Abelian Berry curvature in time-reversal-invariant (TRI) insulators. We find that the third-order response of a TRI insulator under optical and terahertz light fields is directly related to the integration of the non-Abelian Berry curvature over the Brillouin zone. We apply the result to insulators with rotational symmetry near the band edge. Under resonant excitations, the optical susceptibility is proportional to the flux of the Berry curvature through the iso-energy surface, which is equal to the Chern number of the surface times 2Ï€2\pi. For the III-V compound semiconductors, microscopic calculations based on the six-band model give a third-order susceptibility with the Chern number of the iso-energy surface equal to three

    Imaginary geometric phases of quantum trajectories

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    A quantum object can accumulate a geometric phase when it is driven along a trajectory in a parameterized state space with non-trivial gauge structures. Inherent to quantum evolutions, a system can not only accumulate a quantum phase but may also experience dephasing, or quantum diffusion. Here we show that the diffusion of quantum trajectories can also be of geometric nature as characterized by the imaginary part of the geometric phase. Such an imaginary geometric phase results from the interference of geometric phase dependent fluctuations around the quantum trajectory. As a specific example, we study the quantum trajectories of the optically excited electron-hole pairs, driven by an elliptically polarized terahertz field, in a material with non-zero Berry curvature near the energy band extremes. While the real part of the geometric phase leads to the Faraday rotation of the linearly polarized light that excites the electron-hole pair, the imaginary part manifests itself as the polarization ellipticity of the terahertz sidebands. This discovery of geometric quantum diffusion extends the concept of geometric phases.Comment: 5 pages with 3 figure

    Cosmology emerging as the gauge structure of a nonlinear quantum system

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    Berry phases and gauge structures in parameter spaces of quantum systems are the foundation of a broad range of quantum effects such as quantum Hall effects and topological insulators. The gauge structures of interacting many-body systems, which often present exotic features, are particularly interesting. While quantum systems are intrinsically linear due to the superposition principle, nonlinear quantum mechanics can arise as an effective theory for interacting systems (such as condensates of interacting bosons). Here we show that gauge structures similar to curved spacetime can arise in nonlinear quantum systems where the superposition principle breaks down. In the canonical formalism of the nonlinear quantum mechanics, the geometric phases of quantum evolutions can be formulated as the classical geometric phases of a harmonic oscillator that represents the Bogoliubov excitations. We find that the classical geometric phase can be described by a de Sitter universe. The fundamental frequency of the harmonic oscillator plays the role of the cosmic scale factor and the classical geometric phase is an integral of a differential angle 2-form, which is half of the curvature 2-form of the associated de Sitter universe. While the gauge structure of a linear quantum system presents monopole singularity at energy level degeneracy points, nonlinear quantum systems, corresponding to their quantum critical surfaces in the parameter spaces, exhibits a conic singularity in their gauge structure, which mimics the casual singularity at the big bang of the de Sitter universe. This finding opens up a new approach to studying the gauge and topological structures of interacting quantum systems and sets up a new stage for quantum simulation of fundamental physics

    Inner Product of Irreducible Finite-dimensional Representations of Classical Groups

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    In this paper, we study the inner product of states corresponding to weights of irreducible finite-dimensional representations of classical groups. We propose a recursion algorithm for calculating the inner product effectively. As applications, we discuss the unitary of the representations space. We construct the norms of a special kind of states. We also determine the inner product of states in the minuscule representations. These results can be used to study the construction of the solutions to Kapustin-Witten equations basing on the fundamental solutions of Toda systems.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure
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